Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Selection of 2006 Works

Ostrost - Sharpness

I always think about Pink Floyd when seeing this picture. Maybe the "sharp floating objects" reminds me of the flying pig on the Animals album cover.

A Man of the Rising Sun

Bota - Boot

Vlny - Waves

Krajina - Landscape

Plochy 2 - Planes 2

Okno - Window




Svah - Slope

Někdo se dívá 2 - Someone is watching 2

Šnek - Snail

Tygr - Tiger

Plochy - Planes

Oko - Eye

Slepice - Hen

Banán - Banana
(inspired by The Velvet Underground's famous Banana by Andy Warhol)


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Early 2000's

I haven't saved many pictures from this era, still I found few of them. They are somewhat abstract.

Pyramidy - Pyramids

What is interesting about the Pyramids picture is that I found very similiar picture in my Masterpieces of Western Art book from Taschen. It's by Victor de Vasarély, a painting called Arcturus II from 1966. The most apparent difference is that I used yellow instead of dark blue.

Spektrální zážeh - Spectral Ignition

Disperzní fůze - Dispersal Fusion

Gallery of CAA

Computer Aided Art - I guess it's not commonly used term, but it conveys what I do. I'm definitely not skilled artist, at least when it comes to conventional forms of art but I like to be creative so I started to doodle on my computer. I like some of the pictures though the odds they will ever make it to a real gallery are equal to something very similiar to zero. Don't worry, you won't be deprived of the chance to admire them - I'm starting this Gallery of CAA called "Umění" - "Art".

What is "Art" called in more or less randomly chosen languages? Here is a few examples:

Czech - Uměni
English - Art
Swedish - Konst
Finnish - Taide
Russian -
Turkish - Sanat
Arabic - عمل فن